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The School District of Beloit  has had a difficult time recruiting and retaining a diverse teaching staff. I was glad to hear that Human Resources is considering changing the job description of an open position into that of a recruiter. Someone whose job is to network with other organizations and go out and recruit for a more diverse staff.
Another way we can all be involved is to support the Grow Your Own Multicultural Teacher Scholarship Program. Hillary Gavin from the Beloit Daily News (February 24, 2021) wrote an article about the scholarship program.  The scholarship pays up to $5,000 a year, or a total of $20,000 over four years. For students going into teaching with plans to return to the School District of Beloit to teach. The scholarship program is lead by Michelle Hendrix-Nora and Jen Paepke from the school district. The Stateline Community Foundation administers the funds. 
This is a easy way for Beloit to support the school districts efforts to create a diverse teaching staff. 

School Board Meetings

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